are part of the in-scope population for the SES. For the purpose of the SES, commencing students are defined as students who are, studying onshore in an undergraduate or a postgraduate by coursework course at an Australian higher education institution, have commenced the course in the reference year of the survey, and at the time of survey and have already completed at least one full teaching period of the course (e.g. one semester or one trimester).
The ComparED website is designed to allow potential students to confirm their choices about the higher education institutions and study areas they are considering for their further education.
The website allows users to compare information from actual students and graduates about their current student educational experience and graduate outcomes. Users can compare up to six institutions and six study areas at one time.
this includes domestic graduates who were usually or actually in paid-employment for at least 35 hours per week as a proportion of those who were available for full-time work in the week before the survey. This figure includes graduates who were working full-time and does not exclude those undertaking further full-time or part-time study.
are part of the in-scope population for the SES. For the purpose of the SES later years students in a university setting are defined as students who are studying onshore in an undergraduate or a postgraduate by coursework course at an Australian university, and generally in their final year of study. Later years students in a NUHEI setting also include middle years students.
a student enrolled in or graduated from a graduate certificate, graduate diploma, masters degree or doctorate by coursework.
is a joint project to transform how student information is collected. The Department of Education, Skills and Employment and Services Australia, are working together with education providers and software developers to build a compatible solution that will provide a seamless experience for providers and students. The TCSI solution will replace the Higher Education Provider Client Assistance Tool (HEPCAT) for all education providers and the Centrelink Academic Reassessment Transformation (CART) for universities.