Why should you participate?

The GOS-L is an opportunity for graduates to provide feedback about how their course prepared them for work and give an update on their current employment situation, approximately three years after completing their studies. By taking part in the survey, your insights will help future graduates as institutions use the findings to enhance their career resources and work-readiness initiatives.

How will the data be used?

Information from the GOS-L provides institutions and the Australian Government with insight into the medium-term labour outcomes of graduates. Findings from the survey help institutions to better understand how well their courses are preparing graduates for employment. The research facilitates the ongoing improvement of higher education by ensuring that institutions provide courses that develop graduates’ work-readiness and meet the needs of Australian workplaces.

Prize draw

You could win a prize by completing the GOS-L. The earlier you complete the survey, the more chances you have to win.

Your privacy

The Social Research Centre respects your privacy and complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. Click below to view the GOS-L Privacy Notice. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on the headings below to reveal further information.

The Social Research Centre is commissioned as an agent of the Australian Government Department of Education (the department) under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to conduct the QILT suite of surveys, including the GOS-L.
The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on your answers and experiences since graduating.
All graduates invited to participate in the GOS-L are initially approached via email. Some graduates may also receive an invitation via SMS or telephone call.

The GOS-L measures what graduates are doing in terms of work and further study three years after completing their studies. Based on experiences from graduates, institutions have been able to improve their courses, and outcomes for future graduates.

The results of this survey also help the higher education sector and the government improve students’ course experience and enhance teaching and learning in Australian higher education institutions to improve graduate outcomes.

The GOS-L takes place in February and March, three to four years after completing your studies.
When you enrolled in your course, your higher education provider (institution) collected your personal information to process and manage your enrolment. 

Your contact details were collected from you when you participated in the GOS three years prior or from the higher education institutions where you had undertaken your studies. 

Your responses to the GOS-L will be linked with personal information and course data provided by your institution or by you when you participated in the GOS three years prior. This allows the questionnaire to be shortened as we do not need to ask specific details about your background or your course in the survey.

The Social Research Centre complies with the Australian Privacy Principles. All personal contact information such as name, email and phone number is removed from the final data. Only aggregated data is used in the research findings published on the QILT and ComparED websites.

Please see the GOS-L Privacy notice for more details.  

If you have any questions about your participation in the survey or would like to make a time for an interviewer to call you, please call the Social Research Centre on 1800 055 818 (a free call).
In total there are five prize draws open to participants. Detailed information regarding the prize draws, including the prize draw terms and conditions, and publication of winners can be found on this site: GOS-L prize draw terms + conditions of entry - Social Research Centre