Have you been contacted by us?

You may have been contacted by the Social Research Centre to participate in a QILT survey

Surveys that you may have been asked to participate in

SES logo

Student Experience Survey

The SES is a comprehensive study of current higher education students in Australia. If you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework student in the first or final year of your course, you may be invited to take part.
GOS logo

Graduate Outcomes Survey

The GOS is a national survey of recent graduates of Australian higher education institutions. You may be invited to take part approximately four to six months after completing your course.
GOS-L Logo

Graduate Outcomes Survey - Longitudinal

The GOS-L measures medium-term employment outcomes of graduates. If you completed the GOS around three years ago, you may be invited to take part.
ESS logo

Employer Satisfaction Survey

The ESS provides the only national measure of the extent to which higher education institutions in Australia are meeting employer needs. Supervisors of recent graduates are invited to participate.

How we may have contacted you

A call from:

    • (03) 9492 6348
    • (03) 9492 6349
    • (02) 4004 3048 
    • (02) 4004 3049
    • (07) 3740 9256
    • (07) 3740 9278
    • (08) 6183 4350
    • (08) 8456 4736 

      A text message from:

      • +61 480 086 724
      • +61 485 817 274
      • +61 429 121 815
      • +61 480 086 772

      Or an email from:

      • gos@srcentre.com.au
      • ses@srcentre.com.au
      • ess@srcentre.com.au
      • gos-l@srcentre.com.au

      The Social Research Centre is exempt from the Australian Do Not Call Register

      As a social research company, the Social Research Centre is exempt from the Australian Do Not Call Register. This means we may call telephone numbers listed on the Do Not Call Register to conduct questionnaire-based research. We are not telemarketers and we do not provide your name or contact information to any other parties. The phone numbers we dial for the QILT suite of surveys are provided to us by our client, the Australian Government Department of Education.